white and black striped textile


Who We Are

Prosper Classical Community (PCC) was born out of a love for the classical model and a belief that its strength lies within its proven, time-tested methods. We embrace the trivium - the stages of educational development including grammar, logic, and rhetoric. PCC is a cooperative educational model, and parents' involvement is not only encouraged but fundamental to the success and function of our community.

U.S.A. flag
U.S.A. flag
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10


The vision at PCC is to create a community of learners who seek truth, wisdom and virtue in all that we learn. Our goal is to align ourselves with forms of learning that are consistent with cultivating wise and virtuous children. We will accomplish this by enhancing each family’s efforts as they accept the Biblical responsibility to “teach your children diligently.” Deuteronomy 6:7.

selective focus photo of U.S.A. flag
selective focus photo of U.S.A. flag
“And these words, which I command you today, shall be written on your hearts. Teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7


Our community meets for 24 weeks out of the year for Lower School, and 30 weeks out of the year for Upper School.

9:15-12:00 Lower school students begin the day together in the Fellowship Hall at 9:15 for a morning assembly and then disperse to the classrooms. Students will spend the morning with their teachers learning memory work including science, history, English, math, geography, and Latin. They will rotate through presentations, hands-on science and art, and finish their day with a review.

8:05-3:00 Upper School students begin their day at 8:05, and spend their time learning and discussing subjects such as logic, Latin, debate, language arts, classic literature, and history.

12:00-1:00 The Upper and Lower School community comes together at 12:00 for lunch and fellowship.

1:00-3:00 Following lunch, both Grammar and Composition students and Upper School students meet in their respective classrooms until 3:00. At the end of the day, all members work together to clean our host church.

Beyond our academic Days, we seek to offer the following

Orientation meetings for the various programs, meet-the-teacher events and academic-related meetings for certain subjects and curricula.

In-Community events: special on-campus celebrations including holiday events, canned food drives, a community talent show, special guests and speakers, and more.

Fellowship Events: field trips, service projects, park days, and family gatherings.

Mom Equipping Events: Dinners out together for fellowship, book discussions, and social gatherings.

Beyond our academic Days, we seek to offer the following

Orientation meetings for the various programs, meet-the-teacher events and academic-related meetings for certain subjects and curricula.

In-Community events: special on-campus celebrations including holiday events, canned food drives, a community talent show, special guests and speakers, and more.

Fellowship Events: field trips, service projects, park days, and family gatherings.

Mom Equipping Events: Dinners out together for fellowship, book discussions, and social gatherings.

USA flag pole
Lower School - Jillian Glawson
Upper School - Joyce George